ASL interpreting offered in person every Sunday at 10:45amLivestream available Sundays at 9am & 10:45am on YouTube
Every Thursday | 9:30am | MissionHQ
June 26-29 | Woodleaf, CA
Sunday, January 26 | 11am | MissionHQ
March 14-16 | Monterey, CA
Every Sunday | 6pm | MissionHQ
If you said “YES” to a relationship with Jesus, or are considering doing so, we want to come alongside you and answer any questions you may have!
If you’re looking to get connected, meet new people & grow in your walk with Jesus, Mission Groups are one of the best ways to accomplish that.
If you want to make Mission Church your home, hear our vision, meet our pastors & discover your gifts, Mission Track is your next step.
Ready to serve? Whether you’re a musician, photographer, love working with kids, or want to volunteer in the community, we’ve got a place for you here on the team!
Have questions about what it is? Ready to take this step? Find out why we believe in Water Baptism & the next date to take part.
We build what we love. If you would like to give, you can visit our secure online giving site to give a one-time donation, or set-up easy recurring gifts.
Find opportunities, events and resources to grow in prayer, worship, fasting & reading the Bible.
We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community & beyond. Learn more about serve days, trips, serve groups, fundraising projects & more.
Grow, connect and do life with other families a part of Mission Church through groups, family events and so much more! We want to see your kids fall in love with Jesus and change the world "one person at a time."
Mission Kids is available at all weekend services for Nursery through 5th Grade. We’ll provide a safe, fun and creative space for your kids to pray, worship, get into God’s Word, and learn about Jesus!
Mission Youth is available for Middle School and High School students every Sunday night at 6pm in Walnut Creek. We've also got retreats, groups & campus clubs meeting throughout the East Bay.
Mission Marriage is a community of couples on a journey to love God & love each other better. We offer Marriage Groups, workshops, retreats & dinner parties throughout the year.
The Mission Church College and Young Adult community is a vibrant group for individuals ages 18-30, fostering spiritual growth, authentic relationships, and a deeper connection with God.
Join Pastor Tyler & the men of Mission Church as we journey with each other and grow in our relationship and understanding of God. Throughout the year, we will be offering Men's groups, events, retreats & more.
Mission Women are a community of women living life together and supporting each other as we grow in our relationship with Jesus. Join Pastor Rachael & the women of Mission Church for gatherings, groups & more throughout the year.
If you’re looking to get connected, meet new people & grow in your walk with Jesus, Mission Groups are one of the best ways to accomplish that. No matter what your season of life, we have a group for you!
Kingdom Builders is a team of people who partner their faith and finances with the vision of Mission Church. It's not for the wealthy, it's for the generous. Register here to be alerted about our upcoming dinner.
Acts 2
John 4
Luke 19
John 3:16
Luke 10:25-37
Matthew 16:18
Mark 11:24
Hebrews 11
Luke 4:18-19
Matthew 28:19
John 15:13
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